What is FreightCar America's ticker symbol?
Our common stock ticker symbol is RAIL. FreightCar America's stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Market.
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When did FreightCar America go public?
FreightCar America's stock began trading on the NASDAQ on April 6, 2005.
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Where is FreightCar America Headquarters?
FreightCar America, Inc.
125 S. Wacker Drive
Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60606
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How do I contact FreightCar America's investor relations?
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When does FreightCar America's fiscal year end?
Our fiscal year ends December 31.
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Does FreightCar America have a direct stock purchase program?
We do not offer a direct stock purchase program. To purchase shares of FreightCar America, you must contact a brokerage firm.
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How can I purchase FreightCar America stock?
To purchase shares of FreightCar America, you must contact a brokerage firm. You cannot purchase shares directly through us.
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Does FreightCar America pay a dividend on its common stock?
FreightCar America is not currently paying a dividend but the company withholds the ability to distribute cash returns to shareholders in the form of a dividend when appropriate. To view our dividend history please click here.
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How do I contact FreightCar America’s transfer agent?
P.O. Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940-3006
Overnight correspondence should be sent to:
150 Royall St., Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021
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Who should I contact regarding my stock certificates?
You should contact FreightCar America’s transfer agent.
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Who is FreightCar America’s independent registered public accounting firm?
Grant Thornton LLP
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What is FreightCar America’s CUSIP number?
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Where can I obtain FreightCar America’s SEC filings?
Please visit our SEC filings page here. Additionally, all of our SEC filings are available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov
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Can I sign up to automatically receive news about FreightCar America?
Yes, please visit the Email Alerts section of our website by clicking here
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